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 您現在的位置︰環宇包裝網(台灣包裝) » 宜昇科技股份有限公司  (會員資質︰注冊時間 16年, 積分 12)
影像失真之調整方法及裝置、具影像前端補償之顯示裝置 名稱︰影像失真之調整方法及裝置、具影像前端補償之顯示裝置


結合兩台以上的投影機影像,利用宜昇科技專利技術『影像失真之調整方法及裝置』(中華民國發明專利第179746號)及『具影像前端補償之顯示裝置』(中華民國發明專利第179747號),快速的將多台投影機影像接合成一超大型、無接縫且高解析度之影像,這項結合三維量測技術與影像處理技術的新型顯示平台,我們稱她為『Multi-Projetore System Services』。



The main technologies of EeRise are 3D positioning, image processing, and computer ized vision. Based on these technologies and constantly research, we successfully developed the auto-alignment tools and geometry controller for Multi-Projector system.

The basic concept of Multi-Projector is to combine at least two individual projected images into a seamless, high resolution and larger size.

Here is an example to illustrate the result of combining two projected images into ultra-wide image. We provide following services for Multi-Projector system:

•  Auto-alignment service: Unlike traditional measurement by human eyes, EeRise developed a semi-auto Pan/Tile robot with a three pre-calibrated CCD for 3D positioning to achieve a high precision and high reliability auto-alignment tool. With this tool, we are able to shorten whole measurement procedure into few hours even an 8.5m in diameter semi-spherical dome type screen .

•  Geometry Controller: EeRise Geometry Controller is a hardware real-time de-warping device for correcting distortion of projected image. The distortion parameter is calculated based on auto-alignment results.

•  Consultant service: We also provide our customer consultant service to help them construct their Multi-Projector system.

Semi-auto Pan/Tilt Robot (left side) and Geometry Controller (right side)

該公司其它產品︰ PanoView - 360度網路環場攝影機 顯示器自動調整設備 > ER9300、ER6300、ER2300 影像失真之調整方法及裝置、具影像前端補償之顯示裝置 AOI光學檢測系統

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